Infographic: What do you know about blood types?
12 September 2014
What do you know about your blood? Find out some interesting facts about blood, and blood types in this infographic.
These are a small selection of facts to do with blood types.
Did you know:
- One pint of blood can save up to 3 lives
- 25% of patients require blood at least once in our lifetime
- A newborn baby has about one cup of blood in his body
- Someone needs blood every two seconds
- Only 4% of adults were donors in 2014
- 8% of donors were donating for the first time
Your blood components are:
- Red Blood Cells
- White Blood Cells
- Platelets
- Plasma
- Immunoglobins
Blood has 3 main functions:
- It carries food and oxygen to permit your body's cells to work and grow
- It carries waste from these cells to organs which take them out of your body
- It helps fight the germs that make you sick
There are four main blood groups:
A - Blood group A has A antigens on the red blood cells with anti-B antibodies in the plasma
B - Blood group B has B antigens with anti-A antibodies in the plasma
O - Blood group O has no antigens but both anti-A and anti-B antibodies in the plasma
AB - Blood group AB has both A and B antigens but no antibodies.
Group O is the most common blood group in the UK, with 44% of the population having group O blood (37% O+ and 7% O-).
Lorne Labs produce a full range of blood testing and blood transfusion supplies including Blood Grouping Reagents, Red Cells, Enzymes and Potentiators.
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