A Brief History Of Lorne Laboratories Limited

1974: Lorne Laboratories Limited was set up to supply reagents to the NHS

1980s: Lorne agrees to distribute Worthington Biochemicals in the UK

1996: Lorne begins selling blood transfusion equipment. The BBTS Meeting in 1996 witnessed Lorne displaying a platelet incubator and a blood bank fridge. Initially sales were confined to the UK, but by the end of the following year, Lorne was selling equipment through distributors in several places around the world.

Did you know?

Lorne was named after a region in Scotland. One of Lorne’s founders, Colin Campbell, came from the area around Oban on the west coast. Apart from Lorne Laboratories, the name Lorne is most associated with the peculiar square sausage that comes from the region.

1999: Lorne starts its association with Italian refrigeration manufacturer Fiocchetti. Lorne also started its association with Rockland Immunochemicals

2001: Lorne launches its first website.

2002: Lorne launches a range of biomixers and tube sealers made in Sweden by Ljungberg & Kogel.

Did you know?

Lorne introduced many innovative ideas that have been copied by blood transfusion services and competitors throughout the world. For instance - Lorne designed the first flat pack for dispatching antisera through the post - now every company does that!

2003:  A management buy-out creates the modern face of Lorne with three shareholders.

2005:  Christine Rayner joins Lorne as Consultant Marketing Manager. She quickly expands her role as the company becomes more customer-focussed and she has been, for many, the face of Lorne at exhibitions in the UK and abroad.

2007: Lorne moves from its premises in Twyford to a larger facility on the outskirts of Reading.

2010:  Ken Davis joins the Board as Chairman.

Did you know?

Lorne was the first company in the world to add green colour to AHG - now standard practice throughout the world. The green dye was a blend of the blue and yellow dyes used for Anti-A and Anti-B.

2012:  Lorne upgrades to a new state-of-the-art laboratory and manufacturing facility.

2013:  Lorne appoints a new Managing Director, Ian John. Richard Lambert takes on the role of Vice-Chair whilst Eddy Velthuis continues in his role as Technical Director. In a bid to increase its manufacturing capacity, Lorne moves into a second unit and doubles its floor space.

2013:  Lorne launches its latest website.

2016: Lorne launches its products into its 100th country.

2018: Lorne invests in more cold storage as its business cotinues to grow.

2020: On 1st October 2020 Lorne was aquired by Calibre Scientific.

2024: Lorne celebrates its 50th year anniversary.